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I had unprotected sex with someone who later found out they were positive for herpes (HSV2.) I have not experienced any symptoms as of now and it's been 20 days following our contact. What are best steps I can take to get myself tested accurately if I have not displayed any lesions?

Your willingness to get tested for STIs (sexually transmitted infections) is a great step. We’d recommend a full STI screen to anyone who’s had condomless sex with a partner who has disclosed an STI, whether you have noticeable symptoms or not.

That said, without a current lesion (or sore) it is difficult to confirm if you’ve contracted genital herpes. That’s because the clinician needs to swab a current lesion and send it to a lab for analysis. We’d still recommend getting tested for other STIs at this point and letting your provider know you may have been exposed to herpes. If you do develop a sore, it’s best to have a swab test done within 72 hours so that they can get a good sample for analysis.

In the meantime you may also want to use condoms with your partner(s) or chat with them about what safer sex tools they like to use. Herpes is a common STI and there are ways to help reduce the chance of exposure during sex.