I recently had a sexual encounter with a massage parlour worker. I inserted one finger into a sex worker's vagina, additionally her vagina was rubbed up against my penis without any actual penetration but there might have been some vaginal fluids that touched the shaft of my penis but not the top/opening.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are common, so we’re happy to provide this information. Commercial Sex Trade Workers are no more likely than anyone else to have STIs, so we focus on the activities performed … Read Full Answer

I’m a cis woman and my partners a cis woman. We had STBBI testing last week that was negative. What is the risk of having sex without a dental dam or finger cots? We’re our only current partners.

It’s great that both of you have taken the important step of getting tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If both partners have tested negative for all sexually transmitted infections (STIs), the risk of transmission during sexual activities is … Read Full Answer

Last week I went to an erotic massage parlour. I got a handjob (and she stayed clothed). I am not circumcised and had a razor cut at the base of my penis. I know that hand-to-genital contact is zero risk (HIV has to come from somewhere!) It wasn’t a major bleed, but she had a cut on her hand on the palm which I saw after the fact. It was hard for me to check my penis for blood.

We understand that situations like these can be tough to navigate, and we’re happy to help. … Read Full Answer