I’m a cis woman and my partners a cis woman. We had STBBI testing last week that was negative. What is the risk of having sex without a dental dam or finger cots? We’re our only current partners.

It’s great that both of you have taken the important step of getting tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If both partners have tested negative for all sexually transmitted infections (STIs), the risk of transmission during sexual activities is … Read Full Answer

Last week I went to an erotic massage parlour. I got a handjob (and she stayed clothed). I am not circumcised and had a razor cut at the base of my penis. I know that hand-to-genital contact is zero risk (HIV has to come from somewhere!) It wasn’t a major bleed, but she had a cut on her hand on the palm which I saw after the fact. It was hard for me to check my penis for blood.

We understand that situations like these can be tough to navigate, and we’re happy to help. … Read Full Answer

I recently did 2 INSTI HIV self-tests within the past 6 months and it was negative both times. I was told by a few people that if the test is negative after 12 weeks and done properly there's no need to follow up for a lab confirmation. I waited 90 days after my first INSTI test was negative and the 2nd one was also negative. Am I all good or do I need a lab confirmation?

Congratulations on using the INSTI HIV self-test. This quick and simple tool is one more way that Canadians access to find out their HIV status. A self-test … Read Full Answer

4 years ago I had multiple unprotected sex with hiv+ men (who is not on medication) then few weeks after I came up with sore throat, rash, headache, runny nose which all cleared up except for the runny nose that later turns to chronic sinusitis and ever since my health never been the same. I did 4 HIV tests (4th generation antigen antibody test) 1 came back indeterminate and the other 3 negative. Could HIV 4th gen give false negative after 4 years?

Good to know you got the tests done. Labs across Canada use 4th generation tests for screening HIV, which means they are 99 percent accurate by 6 weeks after infection. These tests are highly accurate and … Read Full Answer

How long does it take for HIV to show up on a test result? I had sex with someone a year ago and got tested 6 months ago. The result was HIV negative 6 months ago. Should I get tested again?

What you’re asking about something we call a “window period.”  The window period is time between potential exposure to infection and the point when the test will give an accurate result.  The window period for the HIV test we use here in Manitoba is up to 3 months.  … Read Full Answer

I was tested for gonorrhea and Chlamydia 9 days after I had sex (wearing a condom) and the test results came back negative. Can the results be believed, should I go back?

One of your best defenses against STIs is the consistent use of safer sex supplies, including condoms and water based lube.  Seeing as you used a condom, you’ve taken a great step to protect yourself against transmission of both gonorrhea and Chlamydia.
Here’s a little info about what we call “window periods.”  … Read Full Answer