Thank you for your question! Check back in a bit to see if we have posted an answer to your question, or a similar question (keep in mind that questions that are already answered may not get another post). Time required to post a reply varies.
In the meantime we encourage you to consider speaking with your current health care provider, accessing STBBI testing at Nine Circles, or you can find a testing clinic or teen clinic near you.
If you would like to speak with someone on the phone, try one of the following:
To speak with a Nine Circles Health Educator you can phone 204-940-6000 and ask for a Health Educator.
Manitoba’s provincial telephone service Health Links/Info Santé can be reached at 1-888-315-9257.
If you are in crisis please call Klinic’s 24 crisis line (204) 786-8686 or toll free 1-888-322-3019.