Sexually transmitted infections are transmitted in various ways. Body fluids like vaginal, semen, anal and blood are known to transmit STIs and there are other types that spread merely through skin-to-skin contact. So, rubbing a penis on the outside of the vulva without even penetrating could result in transmission of herpes, syphilis and HPV. If ejaculation or pre-ejaculation fluid also known as pre-cum is present it may result in transmission of HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia and hepatitis B. If you think there was a condomless exposure it is recommended to undergo testing for STIs including HIV since most STIs do not have symptoms.
To minimize the risk of transmission either of the partner could wear a condom (internal or external).
With regards to your question about pregnancy, since this is not our focus area we suggest that you reach out to “Facts of Life” or submit your question online at SERC’s website. You can also reach out to Women’s Health Clinic’s birth control and pregnancy counselling program for a one-on-one conversation. Both of these services are free and confidential.