In Manitoba anonymous HIV testing is available at Nine Circles Community Health Centre in Winnipeg or with Brandon Public Health. Both locations can send a blood sample to the lab anonymously, then you’ll return to the clinic to access results in 2 weeks.
Anonymous HIV testing means that you don’t have to present your health card, name or date of birth. Instead you will be given a code number. When you return in 2 weeks, you will need that code number to access your results.
Nine Circles also offers a “rapid HIV test” anonymously, in which you can get your results within minutes.
While you can access an HIV test anonymously, there are some factors you will want to think about. If you believe you’ve been exposed to HIV, it’s very likely that the same scenario also exposed you other STIs like chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea… An HIV test can’t detect other sexually transmitted infections, so we recommend also getting tested for other STIs when you visit the clinic. A discussion with the health care provider and a full STI “check up” is an important way to manage your health.
Keep in mind that no matter which test you choose, Manitoba’s Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) is a law that requires any provider who has access to your health information to safeguard your privacy. Even when you access testing using your name and health card, all of your results are protected by this law.
Lastly, in order to access treatment for an STI you will need to present a health card.