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As someone living with HIV, what do I need to know about COVID 19?

Here are a few sources we’d recommend about COVID 19 for people who are living with HIV or have HIV positive friends or family members. is a reliable source of Canadian information about HIV, Hep C, safer sex & safer drug use. (Apr 2021) Frequently Asked Questions about Vaccines for the Prevention of COVID-19 (Nov 2020) Managing Your Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Information for people living with HIV (Mar 2020) Coronavirus disease, HIV and Hepatitis C: What you need to know. (Sept 2020) Corona Virus (COVID 19) and HIV
This is a quickly evolving situation, re-visit these sources for updates.

Current key messages are:

  • HIV positive people on effective treatment are not expected to be at higher risk of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19.
  • A person with untreated HIV or a low CD4 cell count may be at higher risk of becoming seriously ill.
  • Manitobans are currently only able to order a 1-month supply of medication from their pharmacy, and are advised to call for a prescription refill when they are down to a 5 day supply. (Some pharmacies may have delivery options.)
  • HIV positive people and their friends/family should practice prevention measures for COVID 19.

(last updated April 2021)