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4 years ago I had multiple unprotected sex with hiv+ men (who is not on medication) then few weeks after I came up with sore throat, rash, headache, runny nose which all cleared up except for the runny nose that later turns to chronic sinusitis and ever since my health never been the same. I did 4 HIV tests (4th generation antigen antibody test) 1 came back indeterminate and the other 3 negative. Could HIV 4th gen give false negative after 4 years?

Thanks for reaching out to us. Good to know you got the tests done. Labs across Canada useĀ 4th generation tests for screening HIV, which means they are 99 percent accurate by 6 weeks after infection. These tests are highly accurate and reliable and typically detect HIV much sooner than 12 weeks (3 months), however, there is a 1 percent chance of testing positive till about 12 weeks or 3 months. You have tested HIV negative many times, indicating that you may have not contracted the human immunodeficiency virus. However, we recommend you seek an appointment with a healthcare provider for a detailed assessment which may include testing options.